Family Affair


Sian in Black

Faces of Humanity exhibition clip


Artist Statement Faces of Humanity Exhibition Faces of Humanity Exhibition Faces of Humanity Exhibition Faces of Humanity Exhibition

Lest We Forget

NSPS Portraiture Q&A Seminar

The North Shore Photographic Society is holding the September workshop online. Please install Zoom onto your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet by clicking on:
Please do this at least a day BEFORE the meeting so you are ready!

Register in advance for this meeting: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please note:  You will require the PASSCODE to join so when you receive the email, please make note of the passcode.

When: Sep 9, 2020 07:30 PM

2020 Auckland Art Show

Fine Art Photography

Lest We Forget

New Zealand entered the Second World War by declaring war on Nazi Germany on September 3rd 1939. Around 140,000 New Zealand personnel served overseas for the Allied war effort. At its peak in July 1942, New Zealand had 154,549 men and women under arms. By the end of the war a total of 194,000 men and 10,000 women had served in the armed forces. On Anzac Day, April 25 2014, NZIPP members across the country combined their efforts for a project of national significance: to photograph New Zealand’s last surviving World War Two servicemen and women. These portraits are gifted to the Royal New Zealand Returned Services Association and to the National Archives, showing our veterans that they are remembered and that the sacrifices they made for our freedom is still honoured. This is the story of 21 World War Two veterans.

Merchants of Jerusalem