
The Aftermath opening event by Juliet Moses

President of the Jewish Council, June 22nd 2024

October 7. I would think that everybody in this room remembers what they were doing when they found out.  I was at home, it was 4.35 pm on that day, and I was sent a message on a WhatsApp group, saying “Israel under massive missile attack” with a map from the red alert app showing all the targets. I quickly got onto social media and the news – I think I first saw a white pick up truck with Hamas gunmen on the back cruising the streets of Sderot being filmed – and realized straight away that this was no ordinary attack. Let’s just pause at that for a moment and contemplate those words – no ordinary attack – their absurdity, their unfairness, and the normalisation of something no other state on earth would be expected to tolerate or show restraint over.

My messages became increasingly frantic. To my family: “I’ve seen images of people slaughtered in the streets. I feel sick.” And 5 minutes later “They’re killing them in bomb shelters. Paraglided in. It’s absolutely gruesome”.

I try to stay off twitter over Shabbat, but at 6.52pm I tweeted the map of the rocket attacks and said “There’ve been infiltrations of terrorists from Gaza into Israel as well. I’ve seen images I wont share of slaughtered people in the streets. This is extremely distressing and means all out war”.

I sat there glued to social media and the TV until late at night, with a feeling a total helplessness that this could all be happening right now and we could be watching it unfold, and there was nothing that I could do. I went to sleep with a feeling of guilt, terror and dread, and woke up to news that some 700 people had been killed. For two weeks after that I felt constantly shaky and sick to the stomach. I know that was nothing unusual.

Why did we feel so shaken to the core?  Why did we, and do we still feel this deep trauma, pain, shock, and grief, as if it is still October 7, as if time has stood still?

It wasn’t just the catastrophic intelligence failure that led to this massive attack, that shook our confidence, some might say our complacency or even arrogance, our belief in Israel’s ability to outsmart its enemies and protect itself, that saw homes being violated and desecrated, in a way that we thought would not happen anymore, and most certainly could not, would not happen in Israel.

It wasn’t just the massive scale of the attack, over 1200 people killed, over 250 taken hostage.

It wasn’t just the indescribable, medieval debauchery, degradation and depravity of the attacks, attacks that no label really does justice to. They were all of and more than a terrorist attack, a pogrom, an invasion, a jew hunt, an act of genocide. How do you describe the barbaric brutality that causes people to just disappear? Only this month, Israeli authorities identified the remains of Dolev Yehoud, a 35-year-old medic from the Nir Oz kibbutz, who it was believed had been taken hostage. Multiple forensic field tests had failed to reveal any DNA. It took 8 months to identify him. His fourth child was born on October 16. His sister, Arbel Yehoud, remains in captivity.

It wasn’t just the hostages who were taken and those who remain in captivity, to be used by Hamas as bargaining chips and sex slaves, and whom the word has allowed to be used as bargaining chips and sex slaves, and has abandoned, and tried their best to forget and actively remove any reminder of and obstruct us from rescuing and vilified us when we do. The Red Cross has not visited them once.

It wasn’t just who participated on that day – so-called civilians, journalists, members of UNRWA.

It wasn’t just the bloodlust, pride and jubilation of those who participated somehow paradoxically coupled with a deadeyed coldblooded mechanical execution – I use that in both senses of the word. The ecstasy of the mob in Gaza as the hunters return with their bounty, the mutilated body of Shani Louk splayed on the back of a truck, spat on and hit with planks, greeted with ecstatic cries of Allah Akbar. The recording of the son who rang his parents with great excitement to announce that he had killed ten Yahoud. The terrorist who shot a father dead in his Kibbutz Be’eri home, and is caught in the house’s security cameras as he walks into the kitchen and grabs a soft drink out of the refrigerator and drinks it, as the two young sons sit there, one saying “Papa is dead. Papa is dead. Why am I still alive?” while the other sits there with one eye gouged out.

It wasn’t just the livestreaming and gopro-ing for the world to see, the granddaughter who discovered her grandmother’s murder when her assailant filmed it on her phone and posted it on her Facebook wall. At least the Nazis – and let’s stop and think about those words too and what it says that we might ever use them – at least the Nazis tried to hide, went to great lengths to hide, the evidence of their crimes. The calculation that Hamas made was that the humiliation, pain, terror and psychological torture their recordings inflicted would be worth it, and outweigh any outrage, any damage to their cause, and you know what? They were right.

They were right, because there are those around the world, including in New Zealand, including academics and politicians, who despite all the evidence, are willing to infantilise, trivialise, justify, defend, and celebrate Hamas and its evildoing. But they were also right because there are those who reject the evidence of their eyes and ears.

By 16 October, I understood that we were already dealing with October 7 denialism. My younger son was at his last Uni lecture for the year on Islam, as it turns out, and was told by a young woman in a hijab that the Nova festival attack was “Zionist propaganda”. Some time later my mother engaged with an anti-Israel protester and was told the footage of that day was all AI. In this war, even when a photo or footage isn’t AI-generated, and a lot have been – we have all seen the 6-fingered Gazan boy – the possibility that it could have been, sows confusion and doubt.

Perhaps worst of all is the denial that rape was used as a tool of war on that day, despite countless eye witness testimonies, and forensic and other evidence that I won’t discuss. Apparently progressive people, who a few years before were happy to destroy a man’s career based on a rumour that he touched a woman’s knee without her consent because #believe all women, suddenly found themselves disbelieving substantial, undeniable, evidence of unspeakably savage rape and sex-based violence, as some of us saw on Wednesday night when we watched Sheryl Sandberg’s powerful documentary Screams before Silence.

Of course, there has been a campaign to erase and appropriate our history for a long time – the Temple is built on top of and its existence denied, we are told Jesus was Palestinian, our sacred historical sites are recognised and protected at the UN as Muslim sites. But denial of our trauma is much more than just delegitimization – though that is bad enough. We must be clear that it is integral to the genocidal strategy that Hamas and the Iranian regime is committed to, and that people around the world, unwittingly or not, are enabling. Denial is an inversion of reality and morality that strives to reshape history in order to demonise victims and rehabilitate the perpetrators.

As the late Armenian historian Professor Richard G. Hovannisian said “Complete annihilation of a people requires the banishment of recollection and suffocation of remembrance. Falsification, deception and half-truths reduce what was to what might have been or perhaps what was not at all.”

In his book “Crusade in Europe” Eisenhower wrote about the liberation of the camps at the end of WW2  “I have never felt able to describe my emotional reactions when I first came face to face with indisputable evidence of Nazi brutality and ruthless disregard of every shred of decency. Up to that time I had known about it only generally or through secondary sources. I am certain, however that I have never at any other time experienced an equal sense of shock. I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at first hand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that `the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda.” How prescient that was.

This is what Ilan has done, and why it is so crucial. He has chosen to testify. He travelled to Israel, and on February 7, 4 months to the day, became one of few people to get access to Kibbutz Be’eri, to bear witness to the devastation of that darkest of days. He has shown great commitment in doing so, and in putting this exhibition together, at personal cost and sacrifice.  It seems there are many people who just don’t want to know or see.

But we have to keep trying, all of us, to share the truth, because it can make a difference. According to a Palestinian poll released on June 12, published by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, 90 percent of Palestinians have not seen videos from that day, which is interesting given they seem very connected to social media and the amount of videos that they seem to record and circulate themselves. Importantly, however, the results also show that those who watched the videos are about fifteen times more likely than those who did not, to believe that Hamas committed atrocities on October 7.

I can think of three main reasons why preserving, recording and communicating the truth is vital.

First, to honour the victims and survivors. As Elie Wisel said: For the survivor who chooses to testify, it is clear: his duty is to bear witness for the dead and for the living. He has no right to deprive future generations of a past that belongs to our collective memory. To forget would be not only dangerous but offensive; to forget the dead would be akin to killing them a second time.”

Second, as Wiesel alludes to, our collective memory is who we are as a people. The verb Zachor (“remember”) is repeated everywhere in Jewish ceremony and liturgy: under the wedding canopy, during Seder, in the Ten Commandments, during Shabbat, in siddurim. Now, October 7 is forever embedded into our collective memory and will be handed down the generations as part of our story. And we must be better at telling our story to the world.

Third, we must stand for the truth for the sake of truth itself, because open, free and liberal societies, which are the societies that Jews thrive in but are also the best for civilisation itself, depend on the truth. If all we have is feelings, moral relativism, and narratives, we as a society will be destroyed.

So I thank you all for being here today in person or online to bear witness. Remember that, while we are not physically fighting for Israel, we can play a critical part in the battleground for the truth, to combat the falsification, distortion, revision and erasure of history and to be the guardians of our collective memory. And at this moment in time for the Jewish people, I would suggest that it is a moral necessity for us to do so, and to play our part in continuing the most inspiring, unbreakable story of an ancient people who have survived and stayed true to ourselves for over 3000 years against all odds.

Am Yisrael Chai.


Campervan Fire

Focus on community magazine

June 2022 edition

Documentary Photo Exhibition

Faces of Humanity

Faces of Jerusalem Artist Statement

Beggars and scholars, slaves and warriors have all walked the narrow streets of the Old City of Jerusalem. In early 2015, Auckland Photographer of the Year Ilan Wittenberg set out to capture the stoic nature of its inhabitants. The result is a compelling collection of portraits – ‘Faces of Jerusalem’ – which will go on display at Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery.
Born in Israel, Ilan has visited the UNESCO World Heritage site on numerous occasions. However, it was during a recent family trip that the idea to produce a portfolio of portraits (for his fellowship application to the Photographic Society of New Zealand) first took form. Not wanting to hold up the family, Ilan returned by himself in January 2015 and spent days exploring the winding, cobbled streets and tiny, dimly lit shops of the Muslim, Jewish, Armenian and Christian quarters.
While his collection of striking monochrome images captures a range of people going about their daily lives, it was the city’s merchants that Wittenberg was particularly drawn to. “Many people are not happy, you can see that,” says Ilan, “but that’s for good reasons: the economy is down. There are very few customers and very little foot traffic because there is a lot of stress in the streets. Wars, religious tension and the ongoing political conflict scare the tourists away.”
Wanting to create quick rapport and a relaxed environment, Ilan introduced himself as a New Zealander (which he has been since arriving in the country in 2001). “Oh Kiwi, welcome” would be the typical response, which cleared the opportunity to create a photograph. Where language permitted, he engaged his subjects in further conversation, to produce more engaging portraits than candid documentary photography usually does. “These photos were taken without a flash or a tripod, using ambient light only. I chose to present the prints in monochrome to eliminate distracting colours and help focus the viewer’s attention on the people, their body language and their expression. The sepia tone also provides a timeless atmosphere to the images, which reflect the rich culture and turbulent history of Jerusalem.
His journey as a photographer started relatively recently in 2011, but Ilan has already been given the honour of Fellow of the Photographic Society of New Zealand as well as a Master of the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography. Selected prints from ‘Faces of Jerusalem’ portfolio contributed to the body of work that won Wittenberg the prestigious title of NZIPP 2015 Auckland Photographer of the Year. The collection also took first place in the Documentary Book section of the 2015 Moscow International Foto Awards, a competition that attracted entries from 84 countries.
‘Faces of Jerusalem’ was exhibited at Te Uru Gallery from February 20 to May 1.
In August 2016, Ilan won the title Travel Photographer of the Year by the Cathay Pacific Travel Media Awards which are organised by Travcom (New Zealand Travel Communicators) to celebrate excellence in travel writing and photography.
The photography awards were judged by a panel of three; Rob Lile, director of One Shot image library, Jenny Nicholls, Art Director for North & South magazine and Tessa Chrisp, past winner of the Cathay Pacific Travel Photographer of the Year Award. The Travel Photographer of the Year is judged on the entire portfolio of published work.
Rob Lile said: “This year a clear and unanimous favourite appeared amongst the many images put forward for the scrutiny of a tough judging panel. While there were many images that caught our eye and invited second and third viewings, one series stood out, indicating the work of a master visual storyteller. Ilan’s images transported us to centuries-old locations to examine modern lives intertwined with layers of time. They displayed patience and sensitivity as a storyteller becomes immersed in the worlds of people going about their ordinary daily lives, as unobtrusively as possible. His presence is accepted; images are not overtly posed nor awkward and each subject is entirely comfortable with the interaction. The creative journey continued through careful post production, printing and mounting, all reflecting the skills of a professional determined to present his vision as perfectly as possible. This was a powerful series that will live in our minds for a long time.”

Additional Links

In April 2016, Faces of Jerusalem was featured is issue 53 of the prestigious f11 Magazine with 38 pages covering the portfolio.
Check out D-Photo magazine article from September 2016: Within the walls of the Old City
Listen to Standing Room Only with Lynn Freeman (10’51”): RNZ Interview
Photos from the exhibition Opening Event

Faces of Jerusalem exhibition at artsdiary.co.nz

Faces of Jerusalem

Photography at UXBRIDGE: Sharp focus on Africa

Auckland’s cultural arena includes at least one show that’s likely to grab some attention this summer – a striking collection of monochrome prints of the Maasai people by award-winning photographer Ilan Wittenberg, on show at Malcolm Smith Gallery, Uxbridge Arts from February 28 – April 24.

From here to Africa is a collection of captivating portraits of the Maasai people from Tanzania.

“I found myself deeply inspired upon meeting the Maasai tribe and realised the opportunity to document their unique culture which is being eroded by Western influence and modern technology,” said Wittenberg.

“On a personal level, this reminds me of the true value of photography: preserving memories in order to relive special stories and pass them on to others. Through this series of carefully composed photographs, the Maasai people can share their rich culture with the world.”

The collection is presented in a film-noir monochrome, capturing these portraits in a classically timeless style; lending a unifying appearance that emulates analogue lithographic technique, she said.

“I wanted viewers to focus on the humanity aspect of each portrait: expressions and body language, shapes and forms. I eliminated distracting colours to ensure that viewers focus on the people within the photos and make emotional connections with these individuals,” said Wittenberg.

Timid (c) Ilan Wittenberg

“I aim to depict the Maasai culture in an authentic and honest way, using a clear narrative style which shows people the significance of their culture, as well as their individual personalities.

“My goal is to provoke your imagination regarding the traditions of the Maasai people and the stories behind their portraits.”

In sharing this portfolio, Wittenberg encourages viewers to show tolerance, to accept all people and to recognise the value of cultural diversity.

“We would all experience an enhanced sense of community if we took the time to appreciate interactions which allow us to discover the world beyond our familiar boundaries,” she said.

From here to Africa was also selected as a featured exhibition at the 2020 Head On photo festival in Sydney.

The show will run from February 28 to April 24 at Uxbridge Arts and Culture, Howick.

Opening Event: Friday, February 28 at 7:30pm with keynote speaker Sir Bob Harvey.

Artist Talk: Saturday, March 7 at 11am.

Malcolm Smith Gallery

Uxbridge Arts and Culture,

35 Uxbridge Rd, Howick

FRI – MON 10 am – 4pm
TUE – THU 10am – 9pm
Admission is Free

Photographer focuses on Africa



Massai Article in D-Photo

Travel Portraits Guide

Portrait of Humanity

Delighted to have my photo ‘Man with a leather jacket’ published in Portrait of Humanity. This is a hardcover book by the publisher of The British Journal of Photography, in partnership with Magnum Photos, containing 200 portraits taken by photographers from 65 countries. The book celebrates global citizenship at a time of great instability. It serves as a timely reminder that despite our many differences, we are able to unite as a global community through the power of photography and to create a collaborative photography exhibition. Portrait of Humanity is a celebration of our shared values: individuality, community and unity. The photos show us the world, documenting the universal expressions of life; laughter, courage, moments of reflection, journeys to work, first hellos, last goodbyes and everything in between. Funny, revealing and often moving, the faces and stories show that we are all wonderfully unique, yet at the same level, deeply the same… 

Portrait of Humanity

Man with a leather Jacket

Portrait Photographer Auckland

Portrait Classic

PhotoWorld Interview


New Zealand

‘Real Men’ 

Introduction and interview by Alasdair Foster *

Published in PhotoWorld – May 2019 **

From the Seeds of Warriors’  from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2015

“Men act and women appear.”

John Berger – Ways of Seeing


In Western culture, men are traditionally judged by their agency (what they can do to you or for you) and women by their appearance. Women are to be looked at; men do the looking. There are many more images of the female body in the history of Western art than there are male. And, where the male body does appear, it is strictly contextualised in one of three symbolic roles: hero, fool or martyr. The hero transcends the reality of the male body to become a symbol of dynamic triumph. The fool is mocked for his nakedness, removing him from serious consideration as a representative of his gender. The martyr – an especial favourite of the Christian religion – is naked and broken, but his defeat is temporary as the narrative promises he will later ascend to heaven to be eternally revered as a saint.

Real men are not like this. They are flesh and blood, diverse, and susceptible to the inevitabilities of illness and aging. Yet, as men, the way we feel about our bodies is often an uncomfortable contradiction between lived reality and the symbolic perfection reflected to us in advertising and in art.

The photographs of the New Zealand artist Ilan Wittenberg are very different from these impossibly idealised images of masculinity. His extensive catalogue of men living in and around Auckland captures each in all the complexity of frailty and forbearance, uniqueness and imperfection, anxiety and the courage to overcome it. In English, when we speak of ‘real me’ we often mean the opposite; we mean individuals who appear to live up to the impossible aspirations of masculinity. But Ilan Wittenberg’s photographs truly do present real men; the unadorned reality of male faces and bodies in all their great variety. As the title of the series declares, this is literally and figuratively the ‘Bare Truth’.

Ilan Wittenberg was born in Israel, emigrating to New Zealand in 2001. He has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and a Master of Business Administration in Information Technology. Having worked in these areas for thirty years, he moved into photography in order to realise his passion for visual expression. He quickly established a reputation as a skilled and creative practitioner, winning dozens of accolades including both the portrait and the overall prizes at the 2018 Sony Alpha Awards. A Fellow of the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography (NZIPP), his work has featured in many gallery and festival exhibitions including Head On Photo Festival in Sydney, Australia, and the ‘Signature Program’ of the Auckland Festival of Photography in New Zealand. You can see more of his work at his website: www.ilanwittenberg.com

The Look’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2015


This series of articles is looking at the work of photo-artists who have a different ‘way of seeing’. How would you describe your ‘way of seeing’?

It’s been said that photography is the easiest artistic medium in which to be competent, but the hardest medium in which to have a truly personal vision. It’s very much like talking: everyone can talk but few have something original to say. I have developed a clear style that allows me to tell a story in an imaginative and thought-provoking way. My aim is to create work with a strong ‘stylistic signature’ and a clear narrative sense. I wish to inspire people with images that are crisp and sharp; to evoke emotions and to demonstrate a personal creative vision.

Photography is a way of communicating without words. Unlike videography, which has duration delivering a story through sound and motion, photography is still and present. It does not consume time, and consequently offers the viewer the possibility of interpreting an image differently each time it is viewed. As the famous American photographer Ansel Adams once said: “There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.” In my work, there is a third, the subject, who is observed by each of the other two.

How did this series – ‘Bare Truth’ – begin?

I had been thinking about the idea of photographing men without the ‘protection’ of their clothes, but I was unsure how to go about achieving it. I had mentioned it a number of times to one of my close friends, but he would always laugh at the idea. Then, one day, he was very busy packing to move permanently overseas. I offered to dispose of his rubbish after he left if he would give me thirty minutes in front of my camera. Somewhat reluctantly, he agreed to take off his shirt. As I was photographing, he raised his hand across his chest and looked straight into the camera. I could see the sadness in his eyes, his stress. Set against the simple background, his personality shone through. It was for me a moment of profound insight.

How did the project develop from there?

I asked my son to pose for me. He was just recovering from an operation, so the scar was showing fresh on his torso.

After that, I approached some of my close friends and tradesmen who were working on jobs around the house. Later, I invited men that I met at the local Sunday market. I began to realise that this had the potential to become a unique body of work; one that would become stronger the bigger and more diverse it became. I realised the power of these portraits and the potential they had to form a much larger series. The biggest challenge was finding men willing to pose shirtless in front of the camera.

Ofek’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2014

How did you go about that?

The initial portraits helped me gain valuable experience and formalise a consistent and distinctive visual style. I became more confident in making an approach. I uploaded those initial images onto my cell phone so that I could easily show them to prospective subjects, many of whom were total strangers. This helped to engage them and overcome any initial concerns. Even so, it is a time-consuming process. Out of every ten men that I approach, five say “no”, four say “maybe” and only one actually shows up.

How did you seek out or select men to pose for you?

Initially I would photograph anyone who would agree to pose. Now, I am more selective, looking for people with an interesting ‘story’, men with a personality who will add diversity to the collection. Most of the men are from the local neighbourhood, people I meet at the street or in shops. They live locally so it is easy enough to find a suitable time, but a few do travel from further afield. On rare occasions I receive a request from someone asking to be included in the series, usually via social media. In those cases, I never refuse. Only about ten per cent of the men in these photographs are people I knew before they posed for me.

Reiner’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2018

How many images are in the series now?

I began the project in mid-2015 and there are currently over 200 portraits in the series. I try to add one new photograph to the series every week. There is value in extending the scale and variety of this unique collection: every man is different, and the strength of the portfolio lies in that diversity.

There are quite a lot of men with tattoos. Are tattoos common in New Zealand?

I think that people who wear tattoos tend to be more extrovert than the average person and more inclined to show off their ‘body art’. A tattoo is a powerful personal statement about one’s life, traditional heritage and personal style.

Why did you call this series ‘Bare Truth’? What truth are you seeking to address or reveal?

When I looked at that first photo of my friend before he went overseas, I was moved, touched and inspired. I realised that we attach a deep meaning to a person’s facial expression. It takes us a fraction of a second to judge someone. It’s fascinating to think how quickly and subconsciously we form that opinion based solely on physical appearance: this person looks confident, that person looks depressed, or dangerous; calm, happy, sad… Photographed without the ‘shield’ of clothes, without those things that signify social standing or personal taste, these images provide an unexpected and enlightening opportunity to see the real people behind the ‘façade’. We are all flesh and blood; and we are here on this planet for a short period of time. This project simply reminds us of how fragile we are.

The title ‘Bare Truth’ implies that our face reveals the truth, we cannot hide it. It is also a play on words as the men are naked from the waist up. I think that the meaningful title helps people identify with its purpose. And for some of the more modest or shy subjects, it gave them the courage to expose themselves in front of the camera.

Shine’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2015

These images have a strong ‘aesthetic signature’. How did you achieve that sharpness of detail and clarity of texture?

I use a single source of illumination employing a ‘beauty dish’, which wraps the light around their body in a very distinctive way. [A beauty dish is a photographic lighting device that uses a parabolic reflector to distribute light towards a focal point, which adds a more dramatic contrast to the subject. The light created is gentler than that of a direct flash but more directional than with a softbox.] I bring the light as close as possible to the subject’s face. This creates a directional illumination with deep shadows under the eyes, nose and neck, emphasising every crease in their torso.

My aim is for the images to have the reassuring directness of a classic, in-camera capture. I want to emphasise the truth of the image in an era when people are losing faith in the ‘honesty’ of the medium. I simply process the digital photographs to enhance their skin texture. This is done using Photoshop with the Silver Efex Pro plugin by Nik. That heightening of contrast helps to create a sense of drama, lending to the series a unifying style that emulates analogue lithographic techniques.

It is very important to me that there is a ‘catchlight’ in their eyes, so I carefully set the ‘beauty dish’ according to their height and enhance the highlight manually if required.

Although these are images of the whole upper body and head, you have talked about the importance of the eyes.

As the proverb says: “eyes are windows to the soul”. The look in someone’s eyes is very meaningful and we immediately interpret it, often subconsciously and always subjectively. Much of our interpersonal communication is not verbal. When we shake someone’s hand we look them in the eye and, subconsciously, judge if we can trust them. The strength of this series lies with the directness of each man’s gaze. It affirms integrity and honesty – hence the title: ‘Bare Truth’.

Yusuke’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2015

We tend not to judge men by their bodies. There is a degree of vulnerability in posing without a shirt, especially if one is not young and athletic.

I admire the bravery and humility of the men who agree to participate in this project. Some are young or lean while others are fat or old. The strength of the portfolio lies in how similar the photographs are in terms of pose and lighting, while, at the same time, very different in terms of subject.

How did the men you photographed respond to seeing their photograph?

Most men appreciate the final image, but some find the dramatic way in which the skin texture is enhanced to create drama really confronting. One man who posed said he would never show his photograph to his wife as he did not want to frighten her. But then another man was so proud of his portrait that he posted it on social media! He told me that he had found the process of standing in front of the camera was liberating – a sort of catharsis. He said that he used to hate his body; being a part of ‘Bare Truth’ had helped him on his journey to accepting it.

For the most part, the men who pose really do seem to appreciate the experience. The shoot is an opportunity to spend time together and listen to their personal stories. I ask them about their scars, their tattoos, what they do for a living and so on, and in this way we become more acquainted.

You have said that one of the goals of this project is to raise awareness of the challenge men face when dealing with emotional vulnerability, and the problems of stress and depression they can feel as a result. Can you explain what you mean by this?

Pukana’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’ 2015

Many cultures portray men as strong, physically and emotionally. This stereotype sometimes leads to adverse outcomes, made worse by the way men typically fail to seek medical help for symptoms such as depression, stress and anxiety. One of the goals of this project is to raise awareness by showing men expressing complex emotions of strength and vulnerability, confidence and anxiety. Some carry on their bodies tattoos which help remind them of loved ones that passed away or scars that mark an accident or surgical operation. These are significant markers that give them strength on a daily basis. I think that we all look for a meaning in life and in our relationships one with another. Taking part in a project shared in common can make us feel part of the community.

Images can be valued on many different levels: artistically, as evidence, in terms of the questions they raise or challenges they provoke. What would you identify as the most important aspect of this work for you personally?

I think that this project helped me develop a distinctive artistic style, a personal visual language, which is very hard to do in the field of photography. In turn, it has helped me create a unique body of work of which I am very proud. The process of making the images in this series has made it possible  for me to meet people who are completely outside my social circle; people who I would never meet under other circumstances.

I keep looking for suitable people to photograph. This means that I remain more ‘present’ in the moment and in the place; observing people around me and seeking opportunities. It also helps me connect with people. In the process of approaching potential subjects for my photographs, I have been able to learn how to engage people, to read their body language and, in many cases, to face rejection.

What have you learned about yourself in the process of making these images?

If you have the confidence to try something, you may well succeed. If you do not, you will surely fail.

Gregory’ from the series ‘Bare Truth’, 2015

* Alasdair Foster is a consultant specialising in international cultural projects and a researcher in the theory of arts policy formation. Dr. Alasdair is currently a Professor of Culture in Community Wellbeing at the School of Public Health, University of Queensland. He is also Adjunct Professor, School of Art and Member of the Contemporary Art and Social Transformation research group in RMIT University, Melbourne. Alasdair is the Ambassador to the Asia-Pacific PhotoForum and a Principal Consultant to Cultural Development Consulting.

** PhotoWorld magazine is China’s most influential photography magazine, introducing international frontier image culture, focusing on new concepts and unique perspectives. Published for the last 33 years, it has a profound effect on generations of Chinese photographers.

Stuff Article: Ilan Wittenberg exposes the Bare Truth

Photographer Ilan Wittenberg exposes the Bare Truth in portrait exhibition

A former drug addict, a burns victim and a burly builder are hardly typical male models.

But these men – and around 100 more – are the subjects of an Auckland photographer’s latest exhibition.

Ilan Wittenberg began his project, Bare Truth, a year ago, with an idea to portray New Zealand men as they truly are.

Bare-chested, blemished, scarred, and tattooed, the men’s histories are etched on their skin. One of the men had received skin grafts as a child – a pot of boiling jelly had ended up on his chest. Another has a prayer inked onto his arm.

“It’s interesting where people find strength,” Wittenberg says.

At first, his subjects were friends and family (Wittenberg’s 21-year-old son is among the men featured in the exhibition).

But as his collection and his confidence grew, Wittenberg began approaching strangers on the street. Market-goers, roadworkers, hedge-trimmers – any man who looks like he might have a story to tell.

“Out of every 10, four say ‘no’, four say ‘maybe’, two say ‘yes’, and one shows up.”

Wittenberg spent an hour speaking with the men before they went in front of the camera, asking them about their families, jobs, and the tales behind their tattoos.

The first photograph was of a friend who’d resisted participating in the project until the day before he departed New Zealand forever.

“He wasn’t very tidy – not scruffy, but he didn’t take great care of himself,” Wittenberg says of the man.

“In the photograph, you will see he puts his hand up to chest and he touches his heart… he has a little bit of sadness in his eyes.

“I thought, ‘this is real’.”

Wittenberg has about 100 photographs in the Bare Truth collection. Each of his subjects received an A4 copy of their photo, as thanks.

Some of the men were happy with the result, others felt confronted by the image.

“They didn’t actually show it to their wives, because they never saw themselves that way,” Wittenberg says.

The series is inspired by the work of famed photographers Robert Mapplethorpe and Platon. Shot before a blank background and converted into monochrome, the photographs depict a stark spectrum of Kiwi masculinity.

“When people look straight into the camera they actually look at the person on the other side, they look at the person who views them, and you can read their eye, you can actually see their soul – that’s what I felt.”

Bare Truth is Wittenberg’s third exhibition this year, showing in Sydney earlier this month, and in Auckland in June.

While images of topless women have become cliches of Western society, there’s something about a photo of a shirtless man – unretouched – which makes observers take a closer look.

“We see thousands of photos every day – on social media, in magazines, on tv, on the internet, billboards – and we ignore…” Wittenberg says.

“If you go to an exhibition, it’s not like looking at something on the computer… you stand in front of a photograph… and you let it talk to you.”

Visitors to the Sydney exhibition offered a range of interpretations, Wittenberg says.

“They say this person is looking very confident, very strong. And that person looks a bit… shy, and that person looks dangerous like, I wouldn’t want to meet that guy down a dark alley or something like that.

“It’s so interesting how in a fraction of a second we judge other people, even when they’re not there, just based on their body language – their eyes, their shoulders.”

But Wittenberg hopes the exhibition will also raise awareness of men’s health issues. Without a shirt, it’s difficult to hide the hallmarks of past surgeries, or chemotherapy.

And the camera offers insight into the soul.

“When people look straight into the camera they actually look at the person on the other side, they look at the person who views them,” Wittenberg says.

“You can read their eye, you can see their soul – that’s what I felt.”

Wittenberg emigrated from Israel with his wife and two children in 2001. The North Shore resident had been working as a business analyst before he took up portrait photography full time in 2011.

While portraits pay the bills, the Bare Truth project was a labour done for love, not money.

Quoting business leader Stephen Covey, Wittenberg says: “We’re here to live, to laugh, to love and to leave a legacy.”

“We’re not getting any younger… my legacy is about pictures I do.”

Bare Truth will be exhibited at Northart​ gallery in Northcote, Auckland from June 5 – 22. Admission is free. 

The exhibition will also feature in the 2016 Auckland Festival of Photography.

The power of two – when creative visions collide

The Gig Idea – 15 Jun 2018
Advice from the winner of the Sony Alpha Awards 2018

When it comes to producing award winning photography, Ilan Wittenberg is the man to talk to. Recently adding the Sony Alpha Award 2018 (winning both the Portrait category and the Grand Prize) to his collection of industry accolades, Wittenberg says that the key to producing the award winning eerily beautiful portrait was collaboration with model Alicia.

The two found each other online and began brainstorming ideas for a portrait photograph that was ‘timeless’. “I loved the idea of applying a mask onto her face and extending it to her torso. The idea was to create a cracked earth background using drought as the theme”, Ilan says.

“We actually first discussed doing something quite elaborate but the more we talked the more it developed into more of a personal piece”, Alicia comments.

Collaborating with someone else is always a risk Ilan states, it may not always work out the way you envision it to.  After finding a potential model, the next challenge is to ensure that there is a shared vision. “We plan, we talk, we think about the outfit, about the theme. We talk about what the model is comfortable doing etc. The stars have to align too… The model and I have to be on the same wavelength and if they bring an idea that I think works then together we’re a great team.”

Ilan and Alicia both stress the importance of having an open mind when it comes to collaborating with someone, particularly for a creative project. “It’s difficult to add anything new to the creative space without honesty because it allows our unique selves to come through”, Alicia says.

Ilan focuses on monochrome portraits that allow the subjects to really shine in their channel of storytelling.  His portraits often involve “ordinary people”, posing nude, which opens them up to a new sense of vulnerability and allows the audience to focus on the bare elements.

Sony Alpha Awards – Winner of Grand Prize and Portrait Category

“Most people stay hidden behind technology these days and lose that special human connection with each other so it’s a real art to work with people and bring out that magic in them.”

Ilan has won a plethora of awards and also judges at competitions for the Photographic Society of NZ and the NZ Institute of Professional Photography.

In a world overloaded with information and sensationalistic “visual clutter” which are competing for our attention; Ilan states that his goal is to create pieces that distinguish themselves as “extraordinary” “Forgetting the technicality of the picture, you really need to ask yourself, ‘is there a visual statement? Does it have any emotional impact?’”

Alicia agrees, “There are plenty of photos out there, of women especially, who try to look how they think they should look when in front of a camera due to the huge pressure on us to look a certain way. So the idea of (the winning portrait) was to try and work against that”.

Ilan strongly encourages budding photographers to meet up with like-minded individuals such as through the NZ Photographic Society meetings, to have their work critiqued by professionals in order to grow, just like he does. “It’s a friendly environment for people to be critiqued and grow because you don’t know what you don’t know. Even listening to critiques of other photographs really helps”.

Grand Prize at 2018 Sony Alpha Awards


Ilan Wittenberg wins Grand Prize at 2018 Sony Alpha Awards

If you follow D-Photo, you are no doubt familiar with the beautiful black-and-white portrait that graces the cover of issue 84. The image, taken by photographer Ilan Wittenberg in his Auckland studio, won the Portrait category at the 2018 Sony Alpha Awards, and went on to take out the Grand Prize.

The competition invited professional and enthusiast photographers alike to submit photographs captured with Sony Alpha cameras and lenses across seven categories. Each category winner received Sony Alpha gear valued at $2000, with Grand Prize winner Ilan receiving a trip to Tanzania and $3,000 of Sony Alpha Gear. Take a look at the winners and finalists over at the Sony Alpha Awards website.

Ilan Wittenberg cover.jpg

Ilan came up with the idea for the winning image along with model, Alicia, covering her face and torso with a clay-paste mask. Ilan shot the image against a basic background to emphasize her form and her facial expression. “I love Alicia’s eyes,” says Ilan. “She looks so fragile and vulnerable.”

In issue 84 we talk to Ilan about how he captured his striking monochrome portraits on his latest overseas trip to Morocco. The way in which he captures the essence of the places he visits primarily through portraiture makes him relatively unique as a travel photographer, so we’re very excited to see what he comes up with on his trip to Tanzania.

Tunnel Beach on The Star

‘Sheer beauty’ of beach ‘overwhelming’

The Star, Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stunning new images of iconic Dunedin beach

A visiting photographer shows an iconic Dunedin beach in a new light with some stunning images he captured on a recent trip to the city.

Ilan Wittenberg was attending the New Zealand Photographic Society’s National Conference in Dunedin last month and took the opportunity to visit Tunnel Beach, where he took a series of arresting images.

Ilan says he arrived on site before sunrise and went down the path ”in pitch darkness”.

”I picked a location to start shooting but when daylight broke I was overwhelmed with the sheer beauty and magnificence of the place!”

He says he ”fell in love with the place” and returned the following day to take more of the long-exposure (20-30 second) photographs.

An award-winning photographer, Israeli-born Ilan arrived in New Zealand with his wife and two children in 2001. They live on the North Shore in Auckland.

– All photos courtesy (c) Ilan Wittenberg

Photos by (c) Ilan Wittenberg, Auckland Landscape Photography
Photos by (c) Ilan Wittenberg, Auckland Landscape Photography
Photos by (c) Ilan Wittenberg, Auckland Landscape Photography
Photos by (c) Ilan Wittenberg, Auckland Landscape Photography

Faces of Jerusalem on f11 magazine

Men stripped bare

Tuesday 31st May 2016

Rebecca Kamm, The Wireless

We spoke to Auckland photographer Ilan Wittenberg about the thinking behind his latest collection.

Beyond the shiny, white-toothed fitness models who beam out in all their taut glory from men’s health magazines, images of topless men in the public sphere are all but absent. In obvious contrast to photographs of near-naked women’s bodies, at this point part of the furniture, we’re rarely invited to inspect the male torso.

That’s one reason Bare Truth, a collection by accomplished Auckland photographer Ilan Wittenberg, stands out. Another is his knife-sharp focus on every bodily detail of his 100-or-so unsmiling subjects, which include a former drug addict and a burns victim.

“I treat the photos in such a way that you see the hair, the pimples, the scars, everything,” Wittenberg says of his unapologetic approach. “It’s interesting, because we don’t see people like that anywhere. If you go to the beach you’ll see topless men, but you don’t get close to them like that.”

“Raw”, says the artist, whose work can be found at Auckland’s Northart gallery from June 5-22, is what he hears most in response to Bare Truth. But the photographs have no rough edges; they are exquisitely, acutely rendered. That’s intentional: Wittenberg chose specific lighting and processing techniques that would bring the literal mark life leaves on our bodies into sharp relief.

It’s also something of a warning. “There’s this idea that men are stronger,” says Wittenberg, whose 18-year old son features in the collection (he bares the scar of a tumor removed when he was small). “That may be true in some strength-related areas; men have more muscle tissue, for example. But when it comes to mental health or emotional health, the fact is that women actually talk more. They share more. They’re more open.”

Conceived when Wittenberg took a topless portrait of a friend and was struck by the result, Bare Truth is designed to flip any lack of openness on its head. “I looked at the image of my friend and I thought, there’s some meaning behind his eyes. I could see his vulnerability.”

He began to approach men on the street. “Out of every ten, four said maybe, four said no, two said yes, and one showed up.” But as the collection grew, so did their trust, and the project picked up pace.

Stories are unavoidable when nakedness enters the picture. “Suddenly [when] they take off their shirt I see they’ve had a triple bypass, or chemo, or some other surgery,” he says.

“I asked them about their tattoos: What is it? What does it mean to you? One of them said, ‘Well, I was a drug addict and this tattoo helps me to remind myself how to be sober, and how good it is to be clean. Another said, ‘Oh, this is about my best friend who died.’ We’re all vulnerable.”

He gave his subjects a print out of their final image and, overall, reactions were positive. The men loved their portraits and were proud to have taken part. One even used the word “therapeutic”.

That didn’t mean they were all ready to share the experience. “Some men didn’t show it to their wives, because they think [their image] is too confronting. They’ve asked their daughters to do it for them; to explain the context to their wives for them when they pass away. Because it is confronting. We never show ourselves like this to other people.”

Bare Truth will show at Northart gallery in Northcote, Auckland from June 5-22. Admission is free. The collection is also part of the 2016 Auckland Festival of Photography. 


Auckland photographer wins prestigious gold award

Portrait Photographer Auckland

Ilan Wittenberg’s Man With a Leather Jacket’ was taken in February 2017.

An Auckland photographer’s unique approach has snapped up a gold at the NZ Institute of Professional Photography’s (NZIPP) Iris Awards.

Ilan Wittenberg won a gold award in the Portrait Classic category for his photo Man with a Leather Jacket in June this year.

The NZIPP Iris Professional Photography Awards is New Zealand’s only professional photography competition.

“Winning a gold this year was a big achievement for me, simply because they are so hard to come by,” Wittenberg said.

Photographer Ilan Wittenberg exposes the Bare Truth in portrait exhibition
Although the photograph of a Takapuna native Ken Talarc did not win the category, it was the only gold-winning portrait not to have been taken in a studio.

Shot in Talarc’s home, the photo was as much about the subject as it was his environment said Wittenberg who won NZIPP Auckland Photographer of the Year in 2016.

“One continues the story of the other. The environment that he sits … all of that tells a story.”

“The artifacts behind him actually tell a story about his life and about his parent and the things he does in his life,” Wittenberg explained.

Wittenberg met Talarc while buying vegetables at the Takapuna Sunday market on Auckland’s North Shore. The photographer approached the man selling bric-a-brac out of his truck to ask if he would have his photo taken.

It took several moves around the house, Talarc had inherited from his parents, to find the winning spot in the living room.

“You look at him and you look at the background and they are on the same plane field.”

“I like the fact that he looked straight at me. I think that, when a person looks at you, you sort of make a connection,” Wittenberg said.


 – Stuff

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